The heart of the LRFMP is a series of specific, site-by-site recommendations for facility improvements.

Since the formation of the District in 2008, Twin Rivers Unified has performed routine maintenance and various facility improvements projects consistently and efficiently.

Looking ahead, in terms of a twenty-five (25) year planning horizon, it is the recommendation of the Assessment Team that all Priority 1 and Priority 2 items be addressed over the next fifteen (15) year period and that facility conditions be continually reassessed on a three (3) to five (5) year cycle in order to periodically reevaluate and confirm facility conditions, District needs, and market conditions.

Although Twin Rivers Unified has partial funding already established for Priority 1 and Priority 2 items over the next fifteen (15) years, additional outside funding will be required to fully fund the needs outlined in the individual campus reports that follow.

Priority 3 and Priority 4 Assessment items are expected to be addressed in a fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) year time span, depending upon the availability of future funding.

Elementary Schools:

Site Improvements:

  • Improving ‘curb appeal’ (landscaping, fencing, and painting)

  • Enhancing site security (single point of entry)

  • Kindergarten playgrounds

  • Playfield refurbishment including drainage and new irrigation technologies

  • Development of playfield fitness courses

  • Additional parking and drop-off lanes


  • Replacing portable buildings with permanent facilities

  • Right-sizing kindergarten and transitional kindergarten to current enrollment

  • Right-sizing multi-purpose rooms

  • Right-sizing office space

  • Energy-efficient upgrades to lighting, HVAC, daylighting and glazing systems

Furniture & Technology:

  • Consideration of more flexible furniture (group projects, more individualized instruction)

  • Seamless access to desktop/handheld technology

Junior High Schools:


  • Replacing portable buildings with permanent facilities

  • Expanding/constructing/upgrading science labs

  • Energy-efficient upgrades to lighting, HVAC, daylighting, and glazing systems

Site Improvements:

  • Improving ‘curb appeal’ (landscaping, fencing, and painting)

  • Enhancing site security (single point of entry)

  • Playfield drainage and irrigation technologies

  • Development of fitness courses

  • Additional parking and drop-off lanes

Furniture & Technology:

  • Consideration of more flexible furniture (group projects, more individualized instruction)

  • Seamless access to desktop/handheld technology